Bob Lambert Bob Robinson in His Different Personalities.

The different faces of Bob Lambert.

In his evidence Bob Lambert has referred to his undercover persona Bob Robinson in the Third Person.

He has also been trying to display himself as being very frail and forgetful, to which many people have said he is just telling lies.

This is not the only time he has reinvented himself as a public persona.

He did it when he became a well known academic.

It was certainly a shock to him when we exposed him as being a former spycop nearly a decade and a half ago.

Yet what if he has been doing this kind of thing so many times that now he lives with a multiple personality disorder ?

That might explain some of the way he reacts right now.

The whole performance he displays does remind me of a Shakespearean tragedy.

It would also make it very difficult for him to now try to write his autobiography.

The question is just what else will he come up with?

Be all this as it may, we still have to bring him to account for the way in which he has caused so much damage over the years.

Bob Lambert Spycop Evidence

The evidence given by Bob Lambert this week is very perturbing indeed.

Though getting any information from him is a very difficult process.

What upset me was what he said on Tuesday.

See: –

That was how and why he used me to become friends as a part of his undercover spycop cover persona.

I was not damaged as much as many other spycop victims, but I do find it upsetting.

It’s the way he treated some of the women who he targeted that are being focused upon in the press reports, but there is very little about the grief and pain they are still going through.

Dealing with this whole process does add to the deep sadness which effects me from time to time.

Spycops Inquiry Update

The spycops public inquiry has this week reached Tranch Two Part Two.

There is now a lot of evidence emerging about just what damage they inflicted upon many individuals.

They were also responsible for many miscarriages of justice, and adversely effected our political campaigning.

Here is an example of just what Bob Lambert who I knew as Bob Robinson got up to

I will be giving evidence about him in early November..

Recent Activities

Despite Lockdown and the continuing difficulties which we are all experiencing, it has been possible for me to continue working upon various projects. This is a brief summary of some of the them.

Anti Nukiller Power

I recently put together the latest issue of Countering Capenhurst.

This contains a lot of information about DRS [ Direct Rail Services ] which transports Highly Radioactive uses fuel rods and other nukiller waste.

What I now have is enough material and written pieces to produce a pamphlet on the issue, but it is never wise to edit ones own articles .

Thus I am looking for someone to work on it with me.

5 Cale Road

The 5 Caledonian Road Project website has just been launched.

The subtitle of being 60 years of books and activism.

This is a project which I was interviewed for. You can hear a little of this interview under Small Scale Demonstrations on the website.

The ongoing Spycops Public Inquiry

Aspects of being a CP [Core Participant] in the Undercover Policing [Spycops ] Public Inquiry are still taking up a lot of my time.

Of particular interest to me is a 1980 Special Branch report describing the development of the anti-nuclear movement in the UK

Sorting out my various collections

One of the side effects of such a long lockdown has been that I’ve had the chance to go through and properly sort out my various collections.

I’ve done the same with my various documents which are now ready to be put to an archive.

I would never of been able to do this if there were a lot of meetings and events to attend.


Soon it will be possible to start organising some more proactive campaigning.

That is something which I am looking forward to doing.

Still Waiting For Answers

There are times when it is possible to engage upon active campaigning, and times when one needs to engage in more reflected activism.

These last few weeks have been very much this way as Part Two of Tranche one of the Undercover Policing Inquiry is taking place.

This public inquiry in to the activities of various spycops has so far cost something in the region of £40,000,000.

Yet I, like many of the victims of the SDS [ Special Demonstration Squad ], are still waiting to find out exactly how we we spied upon.

Part Three of Tranche One of the inquiry will now take place next year instead of this autumn, while Tranche Two will not start until 2023.

There are still many questions which need to be addressed about just how I and many others we spied upon.

It is taking to lot of effort to get any answers to these questions.

You might well ask why this was done.

It was done because we were campaigning to create a better world.

Box 500

The SDS was a unit of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch.

The spying reports produced by the SDS were rubber stamped Box 500, which was code for them being passed on to MI5.

It is now clear that many of the reports were seen by senior government ministers, or used in the summary intelligence they received.

As the inquiry proceeds we will no doubt learn more about what happened to those of us who are spycop victims, but we still need to know who all the spycops were.

Aspects Of 500

Aspects of Information work and Usage

So here I am

Retired but still practising Library and Information work.

– Information Provider.

– Information worker..

– With aspects of my life to be found online


– An archive in Amsterdam

It’s a good combination to have.

Yet some of the same kind of activity has been done about me by the state.


The Infamous Special Demonstration Squad [ SDS ] was established during 1968.

It was established to infiltrate politically active groups and report their activities to the Metropolitan Police Special Branch, but it has now emerged that the information which these spycops gathered was being passed on to MI5.

I and many of the political campaigning groups I was involved in were the subject of SDS reports.

Greenpeace [ London ] which I have been involved with for many years was infiltrated by at least Three Spycops.

Trying to find out

So here I am

– Trying to find out just how extensive the state spycops built files on me


– A Core Participant in the Undercover Policing Inquiry.

Not that the inquiry is opening up that many of the files about myself, my friends, and the various campaigns which I was involved in.

What is known ?

So just what has the inquiry revealed about me which I didn’t know already ?

That I and my mates were spied upon?

I knew that already.

The true and cover names of the various spycops ?

Most of the ones we do know about are in the public domain, including the notorious Bob Lambert who went by the cover name of Bob Robinson while he was spying on me.

Open the files

The inquiry is slowly releasing some information about just who was spied upon to some core participants, but it is far from complete.

While we are still demanding a full list of all the spycop cover names, and those campaigning groups they spied upon.

In the meanwhile: – 

The documents I have received do include my individual Special branch file number, but not what is included in it.


Perhaps the most interesting aspect of what the inquiry has revealed, is that the SDS reports were passed on to MI5.

These files are rubber stamped with the number 500.

I am thinking to get a badge made with a drawing of a rubber stamp with the number 500 on it.

The True Nature Of Spycop Activities

Aspects Of Spycop Activities.

Being spied upon by the state is something which all radical activists have known about for years.

The growing evidence about SDS spycops infiltrating, followed by manipulating the work of many campaigning groups and political organisations is truly shocking.

As is the way that many of them engaged in manipulative sexual activities with unsuspecting individuals while undercover.

That is something which is refereed to as rape by the state.

Coming to light.

Last Monday the Spycops public inquiry starred the first of its evidential hearing.

Rather than me repeat and comment upon what has been said during these hearing, I would recommend you all to read about them upon the COPS [Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance] website.


Open Up The Files

Think that your not living in a free country ?

All I can say is that those who live within the EU are so lucky to be away from the dysfunctional totalitarian nightmare which is now the norm within Brexitland.

Brexit is making for a social, economic, and ecological disaster.

It is also starting to impact upon our civil liberties.

Spycops and History

Meanwhile the spycops public inquiry is still refusing to open up all the files that they have received from the SDS.

It means that those of us who are the victims of spycop activities are still not able to find out just what happened to us.

That’s what they did to me, my mates, friends, comrades, other CPs [Core Participants] in the inquiry, all those who have been refused CP status, and the many thousands of other individuals they spied upon or kept files on.

Those are political policing files which go back to 1968.

While such files as have been released to us have been heavily redacted.

Some 30 years ago there was a banner taken upon one of the many peace marches which have been held over the years. It read ‘Historians for the right to future work’.

That’s something which might also be said about the need to see all the SDS Spycop files.

So open up the files !


In the meantime I have just signed this public statement.

Undercover Policing: Statement from Victims

The Other Agenda

Right Now

What applies to politics applies to life too.

That is, to take the Overview, but keep an eye on the details.

With so many of the campaigns I’m involved with that’s very much the case.

Yet there is also something else which goes with that.

The need for to have a very wide ranging general knowledge in order to deal with any subject one might be asked about.

This is very much the case with all of the anti Nukiller and spycops campaigning I’m doing right now. That’s the work which I’m having to very much focus upon right now.

Which brings on to just why we all want answers from the Undercover Policing [ Spycops ] Public Inquiry.

Bob Lambert

One of the most shocking aspects of the whole spycops issue which deserves a lot more attention, is how they manipulated the campaigning work of the various groups they infiltrated.

That’s exactly what spycop Bob Lambert did with Greenpeace [ London ].

He moved the emphasis of the group away from focusing upon anti militarist and anti Nukiller campaigning, to that of mainly working upon animal rights activists, and thus the whole Mucklibel set of trials.

The most important questions being how much was that a spycop policing policy, and how much damage has it done to our other ongoing campaigning ?

Greenpeace [ London ] Protests During The 1970s

Anti Nukiller Protests During the 1970s

This is not a definitive history of the Greenpeace [ London ] group, but just small part of it.

French Nukiller Bomb Protests

During 1973 Greenpeace [ London ] organised the London to Paris march against the French nukiller bomb tests at Mururoa in the Pacific.

The march was attacked by the French CRS [ riot police ] at the boarder between Belgium and France.

Though some people did manage to cross over the boarder at other points, and took part in the Paris Protest which followed this event.

During both 1973 & 1974 the group organised many protests outside the French Embassy, and a number of die-ins too.

The group organised a number of protest marches about the French Nukiller Bomb tests during 1973 and 1974.

I spent a lot of my time upon these various protests, leafleting sessions, and organising the Greenpeace [London ] protest marches which took place during 1974.

On August the 4th 1974 the group organised a march from Hyde Park Corner to Trafalgar Square where a rally was held. It was the one and only time I ever spoke in the square.

Starting to campaign upon nukiller power

During 1974 and 1975 the group started looking at the issue of Nukiller power. which took a while to do so, as at that stage there were very few books or articles upon the dangers they pose.

It was because of the follow up work upon the import of uranium [Yellowcake] to be processed Capenhurst and Springfields that the group become of interest to the SDS spycops.

Now follow this on by looking at the spycop public inquiry.