Radioactive Toshing


The go ahead has just been given to store radioactive sludge, sand,  metal,  and  gravel at Bradwell.

This radioactive tosh will come from the Dungeness & Sizewell reactors.

It will be taken by Road to Bradwell from the railway station at Southminster.

Which Rail Routes ?

What this news story does not mention is which routes this waste will be transported to Southminster.

Yet we can work out some of this from the routes upon which used nukiller fuel rods are transported to Sellafield.


All the used fuel rods from Sizewell are transported by road to Saxmunden, & then south via Shenfield.

There is a line from Shenfield to Southminster.

So that should be the logical route which it will take.


All the used fuel rods from Dungeness are taken by train via Appledore, then on via Ashford International to Crewe, and so on to Sellafield.

Now comes the interesting questions.

Which route will be used to carry this waste ?

The line to Shenfield goes via Stratford, but which route will be used from Ashford to Stratford ?


At which point will it cross the Thames ?

What kind of containers ?

Of course we do not know exactly what levels of radioactivity this waste will be emitting, or Just how much of it there will be.

So we can only speculate about just which kind of containers it will be transported in, and just how many months or years it will take.

How long will it be stored ?

The other unspoken question is just how long it is intended to store this muck at Bradwell.

Could it be that this will become the back door way of creating a long term Low and intermediate level radioactive waste depositary for the UK ?

Though that will not work, as Bradwell, Dungeness, and Sizewell are going to be effected by rising sea levels.