Treading Time.

There are times when there is a lot going on, and visa versa.

We are now in the middle of a period when there are lots of changes occurring, but very little is really taking place.

To sum it all up.

What we now have is a political and constitutional crisis, which has or is producing a major economic crisis.

All of which is tied up with the uncertainties which come with the threat of Brexit.

Thus the economy is on hold.

It is neither a Bull or Bear Market, but one in which the word is Wait & See.

Yet that does not mean we all need to be treading time, as there are so many issues which need dealing with right now, or within the immediate future.

Next – – –

There are a lot of individuals who think that many issues can be solved by ‘one big push’, or the creation of yet another national campaign or campaigning body.

Not so !

The only way I know we can change things for the better is by long term campaigning, and not constantly focusing upon what is the immediate crisis.

What this means for me is focusing upon a number of related issues, but making sure that I’m up to date on all of the various crisis which are going on at present.

It’s all a form of treading time until the moment is right to take action, but it would be good if there were a few more activists who think in the same way.