From Motto To Joined-Up-Campaigning.


The motto used to be: – Another Day – Another Crisis.

That is how it used to be – Singular.

Now we keep having to deal with a lot more crisis issues on a daily basis.

So the new motto should be :- Another Day – Another Set of Crisis.


Anyone who is both very well informed and politically involved will know that there are so many immediate / need to sort out / must be dealt with now /crisis to deal with, that it would take a long while to list them all.

So what we can, or should do, is just concentrate upon those few issues were our efforts will make a big difference, while also doing what we can to support other campaigns.

To do anything else will just result in us all suffering from burnout.

That’s why I’m much more inclined to attend small scale protests which very few people will attend, as opposed to joining in any large scale marches or protests. Though I do occasionally participate in them.


One of the books which has been most influential in the development my political thinking and world view is Ends and Means by Aldus Huxley.

This is a quote from the work: –

Good ends, as I have frequently to point out, can be achieved only by the employment of appropriate means. The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.”

To which I will add that we should not view in isolation, but look and work upon it in terms of what else needs doing.

This is what I refer to as Joined-Up-Campaigning.

I will be writing more on this over the coming months.