I’m always amazed at the way in which people will poss a
question to one, and add a set of unsaid assumptions to the
Here is an example of just what I mean:-
Did you see ( such & such television program ) last night?
The assumption being that one would have a television
– I don’t own one.
– I don’t want to own one.
Just throw in the line that you don’t have a television,
or a television licence,
and just listen to the kind of nonsense I have had to endure
for many years back.
Ditto the assumption that one should have an extensive
knowledge about so called celebs.
What needs to be kept in mind by those who make such
is that being famous is no indication as to whether they have
might have anything interesting to say,
or have done anything that might be of real social worth.
Another assumption I keep hearing is that I should buy rather
than rent a flat.
Yet the very same people will tell me just difficult it is to pay
their mortgage, even though they may be earning a lot more
than anyone in libraries will ever be able to earn. Continue reading Assumptions, or Ask A Silly Question.