Rethinking Food Banks

I keep seeing references to food banks, and lists of what food banks will take, as I’m visiting various supermarkets.

What I don’t see on these lists could ever be described as healthy:- never mind organic food.

None of them would be of much help to anyone who wants to eat low fat, low salt, & sugar free food:- Never mind a Vegie or Vegan diet.

Neither do any of them seem to promote the ‘5 a day’ ( fresh fruit and veg ) meals which health workers keep banging on about.

So perhaps it’s time for them to do a rethink.

Maybe it’s time to set up a some food bank collections places in health food stores or local green grocers.

The Ontario Vegetarian Food Bank (OVFB) in Scarborough, Ontario, could act as a good example of just what is needed.

Maybe this is an issue which some of the vegetarian and vegan campaigning groups might like to start working upon.