MuckD- The Sawdust people !

I’ve been looking through my archive, & came upon the following.

So here is the fun text of the very 1st
Greenpeace ( London ) anti-MuckD leaflet,
which was given out on Jan 19th 1985.

Enjoy !………………….

‘Macdonalds – The Sawdust people !

Sawdust – The Taste of macdonalds ‘food’

Sawdust – The nutritional value of macdonalds ‘food’

Sawdust – On the bloody floors of macdonalds slaughterhouses.

Sawdust – From the destruction of the Amazon rain forests
…. from the felling of millions of trees to provide more profits
for macdonalds …….

Macdonalds – The Sawdust people ! ‘

What followed on from that became McLibel.

Sayings & Remarks from the new Machiavelli.

Here are a few ideas & remarks which might help anyone
understand just how to deal with any manager at work.

It’s not what you know,
or who you know,
but whom you go drinking with.

What’s the difference between ignorance & Apathy?
I don’t know, & I don’t care.

Those who are incapable of teaching become managers.

Upon finding a problem work out its solution.
Only then should you tell a manager just what the
solution might be, and follow it up with an outline of just
where the problem is to be found.


Viewpoints in extremity.

It is very difficult to think or write about any of the issues which face Cuba
without having to confront one major difficulty.

Namely, where ever you look to find information about Cuba, that this will
result in your having to sort a lot of facts from political opinion.

Continue reading Cuba